Security Channel
Mobie Security Channel is a unique solution for communication, crisis communication, crisis plan production and management, and security training in schools, educational institutions and other public spaces. It significantly increases school safety.
The service significantly speeds up the alerting process in a crisis situation, as any member of staff can trigger the alert immediately with their own mobile devices, regardless of time or location. The alert triggers an audible alert on the school’s information boards and mobile devices, and the normal information channel display changes to a flashing “ALERT – Go to Security Channel” message on a red background. In the same way, with the push of a button, the first operating instructions will be displayed on the secure safety channel of the service.

The Security Channel is a real-time mobile communication channel behind password protection, where content is updated on staff’s own mobile devices. The Security Channel also provides the rescue services and police with real-time on-site information while they are on their way to the scene. The channel will also provide all site information with photos and videos. A school-wide security camera network can also be connected to the service, allowing the rescue services to monitor the situation inside the school in real time while the alarm is activated.
The Security Channel includes the OnEdu learning environment, whereby school crisis plans are implemented as a mobile safety course, as part of which the teacher/employee proves in an examination that he/she has internalised and mastered the contents of the plan.