OnEdu AI provides a secure, integrated learning environment that enhances learning and teaching while generating significant cost savings for schools.
It enables teachers to create personalised online courses with multimedia and tasks in as little as 15 minutes, making it easy to adapt materials for diverse learners and reducing the need for costly, external learning resources.
Being able to influence the teaching materials used will improve teachers’ well-being and, in the long run, bring substantial savings in the form of reduced substitute costs. Substitutes can quickly be given the opportunity to produce their own teaching material, which supports the development of different pedagogical approaches to teaching.
OnEdu AI also has AI-powered personal assistant feature, which reduces the need for extra tutoring or remedial courses, making learning more accessible for all students.

Microsoft’s Azure AI-based artificial intelligence capabilities for content production and learning within the learning environment.

The market’s most versatile learning environment (LXP) for experiential and collaborative learning.

Enhances learning, teaching and the production of learning materials, and brings cost savings to schools.

Meets all the requirements for information security and the use of artificial intelligence in education.